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Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning?

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Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning?

Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning?

If you want to know Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning then visit our website.


Why does the sun appear reddish early in the morning with diagram

  • At the time of sunrise and sunset, when the sun is near the horizon, the sunlight has to travel the greatest distance through the atmosphere to reach us.
  • During the long journey of sunlight, most of the shorter wavelength blue colour present in it is scattered and away from our line of sight.
  • The light reaching us directly from the rising Sun or setting sun consist mainly of longer wavelength red colour. So, due to which the Sun appears red.
  • Due to the same reason, the sky surrounding the rising Sun and setting Sun also appears red. Thus, at sunrise and sunset, the sun itself as well as the surrounding sky appears red.

Rainbow colours wavelength and frequency

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Today we will know why sunrise and sunset appear red and to understand the changes of the colours of the Sun.

Sun is the only shining star of our solar system and the only source of energy for our earth and that is 149.6 millions kilometres away from earth and from such a distance it takes 8 minutes and 20 seconds to reach the sunlight.

Sunlight has seven colours and the seven colours can be seen only in the rainbow; the order of colours is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

In all these colours the red wavelength is the highest and after the red colour is orange, yellow, green, blue, violet and the wavelength of Indigo.

During the sunrise and sunset the Sun appears red its main cause is the atmosphere of the earth during sunrise and sunset.

The Sun is located on the horizon of the earth. Due to which the light coming from the Sun has to travel a long distance in the Earth's atmosphere and sunlight enters the atmosphere by striking at atmospheric tiny particles and air.

Due to which the wavelength of green, blue and purple colour is greatly reduced.

The remaining red, orange and yellow colour remain in the Earth's atmosphere for a long distance and that colour finally reaches our eyes and the combination of these three colours gives us the Sun to be red at sunrise and sunset.

This is the reason that in the sunrise and sunset the Sun appears red.

We hope you all have understood well why does the sun appears reddish early in the morning.

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